1884 De Dion Bouton Et Trepardoux Dos-A-Dos Steam Runabout
The oldest car running in the world, a vehicle that would have used the French National Automobile Map. The video shows how it works, what it looks like, and allows viewers to see it in action.
This site provides a detailed history of numbering of U.S Highways. Before 1910, highways were only known by names. This source helps the reader understand why a numbered system was needed and how it improved mapping of transportation systems.
How numbering works today in the US, UK, France &Germany.
In the United States, N-S highways are odd-numbered, E-W are typically even-numbered. British systems are named and numbered by zones while French roads use letters to determine the status of the road. In Germany, well it’s complicated.
View National Automobile Maps in a larger map