
The name Mixquiahuaqla comes from the Nahua word “Mizquiyahuala”  which combines  mizquit, “mezquite” y yahualli, “circle”, and the two words together mean  “area surrounded by mesquites”. The best history of the area is in Spanish.  (Use Google translate )

Agave Alcohol

  • Pulque: the traditional drink made from many cacti such as the the type found in Mixquiahuaqla, and depicted in detail on the mountains (couch-like objects).
  • Mezcal: All about the many types of mezcal.
  • Tequila is a type of mezcal made only from the blue agave. 


Written Geographical Catalogue (Relaciones geográficas en español)

This map and many others like it, were collected from native people in response to a lengthy questionnaire from Phillip II of Spain. The Crown received fewer responses from South America (Peru) than from Mexico. This site describes the maps from this survey owned by the University of Texas Library. A smaller image of the map in this book appears here.

The map locates town of Mixquiahuala (purple) in relation to better-known locations in Mexico.

View Native Towns of Mexico in a larger map
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